Socrates -|- Educational Philosophy Theory


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n Delphic Oracle: Socrates is the wisest man because he sees his own ignorance

n becomes a “gadfly” seeking to reform Athens by teaching wisdom

n “The unexamined life is not worth living;” we must face our ignorance

n accused of corrupting youth and denying the gods

n submits to the death penalty rather than abandon his call to teach

n opposes the relativism of the Sophists

n human nature is constant, so ethics must be objective (based on natural law)

n man’s virtue (arete) is to exercise his highest possession, reason

n dialectic method - a position is proposed which generates an opposing position; through question and answer, a definition is sometimes arrived at

n induction used to move from particular examples (e.g. many just acts) to a universal definition which applies to all

n however, definitions are still opinion

n knowledge is (1) recollection of forms as known before birth, (2) intuition of being, of the forms, (3) a divine gift

n “virtue is knowledge” - if we know what is right and best for us, we will do it

n genuine knowledge of justice transforms a person; he will act justly

n this combines action (virtue) with contemplation (knowledge)

n since the soul engages in the spiritual act of thinking, it is transcends matter

n thus, the soul is personally immortal (not subject to physical death)

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