Aristotle’s Ethics -|- Educational Philosophy Theory

Aristotle’s Ethics

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n the end (telos) of human life (the good for man) is living in accord with reason, because this fulfills man’s rational nature

n virtue = the good use of reason

Two Types of Ends

1. intrinsic end - something done for its own sake

2. extrinsic end - something done for the sake of another end

n reason and virtue will lead to happiness, the intrinsic end all men desire

n pleasure, fame, and wealth should not be seen as ends in themselves, because they do not lead to happiness

n moral virtue is the mean between two extremes

Defect (a vice)


Excess (a vice)







n Text Box: }   intellectual virtue includes

n Science – demonstrating truth

n Understanding – Grasping self-evident truths Speculative

n Wisdom – Highest objects (Understanding and science)

n Text Box: }   Prudence – Doing Practical

n Art – Making

n Aristotle’s Politics - agrees with Plato that the state is a natural entity

n Good governments rule for common good; bad ones for their own interests

Good Governments Bad Governments

Rule by one… monarchy tyranny

Rule by a few… aristocracy (best qualified) oligarchy (rich)

Rule by many… polity (middle-class) democracy (mob)

n Aristotle’s Aesthetics - beauty is found in the thing itself (not Ideal world)

n tragic drama involves catharsis, a purification of the soul

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